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Planned Giving

The Abbot Hill Society recognizes alumni, parents, and friends of High Mowing School who have included the School in their estate plans.When you become a member of the Abbot Hill Society, you help guarantee High Mowing's future by providing a dependable and reliable source of income for the School and future generations. To become a member of the Abbot Hill Society, please let us know that you have included High Mowing in your estate plans.

You can make a planned gift in numerous ways, many of which can benefit the donor as well as the School.


What if High Mowing were to disappear? It would be a far more shallow society. I would not have had as meaningful and varied a life without High Mowing. It encouraged me to open the doors of learning, to accept responsibility, and to value all people. It was a gift to my life and continued to be a force during challenging times when I would stand back and ask, 'How would the people at High Mowing look at and act upon this?'

Renie Taylor '59

Ensure the Future

For more information about including High Mowing School in your estate plans or becoming a member of the Abbot Hill Society, please contact us.

Contact Development

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Please contact our Development office using the form below.

We will respond immediately with a copy of your message and additional contact information.


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