We are delighted to announce that registration is open for our fall Parent & Child classes!
On June 8, the 44 students in the High Mowing class of 2024 began the next chapter in their lives.
While for younger Waldorf students, participation in extracurricular sports isn’t a norm — with free play emphasized instead — once students reach high school, dedication to a sport can be important. "In the Upper School, it is necessary to make provision for more movement… [where] students with specific abilities can develop their full potential, which is not always possible in whole class situations," editors Kevin Avison and Martyn Rawson write in "The Tasks and Content of the Steiner-Waldorf Curriculum."
High Mowing School is honored to announce Ariana Thompson-Lastad, PhD, as our 2024 commencement speaker.
In this, our third year of celebrating Founder's Day, we turn our attention to teachers, past and present, who contribute so much to our community.
Join us for this community tradition to welcome the return of spring!
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