Join Us at the Circus!
Join us for the Hilltop Circus, February 28–March 1.
High Mowing's 7th and 8th graders are currently hard at work preparing this year's Hilltop Circus, "An Unexpected Journey."
High Mowing School middle-schoolers showcase their circus skills (acrobatics, trapeze, juggling, clowning, unicycling, aerial fabric, wire-walking, trampoline, human pyramids, and more) as they put their own spin on a beloved, entertaining children’s story in this year’s production of the Hilltop Circus. The 7th and 8th graders chose skills they want to learn and choreographed a corresponding act to make the magic of circus come alive. The Hilltop Circus is a family-friendly event open to the public! Bring a donation to Wilton's Open Cupboard Food Pantry and get a free bag of popcorn!
Four Performances: Friday, 10:30 a.m. & 6:30 p.m.; Saturday, 10 a.m. & 2 p.m. Suggested donation at the door: $12/adults & $6/children. (We believe that circus is for everyone, and no one should miss the show due to financial difficulty.) Bring a donation to Wilton's Open Cupboard Food Pantry and get a FREE bag of popcorn!
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