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Parent and Child

When you are the parent of an infant or young child, finding and building your community becomes so important. Our Parent & Child class gives parents or caregivers and their children, from infancy to 36 months, the opportunity to connect. It is a great way to share parenting experiences and support young children in building a safe bridge to their expanding world.

Register for Parent & Child

Beginning Social Interaction in a Safe, Healthy Environment

Join us as we work and play together, celebrate the seasons, and enjoy songs, stories, and finger games. Seasonal crafts and activities include felting, sewing, and making simple dolls and toys.

Daily Rhythm

We follow a rhythmical structure of work and imaginative play to develop skills for healthy social interaction. Activities include guided conversation, hand crafts, circle songs and verses, along with classroom and outdoor free play.

Class Information

We typically offer Parent & Child classes weekly during the school year, in three sessions: fall, winter, and spring. Parents are welcome to attend one meeting at no cost to try it out. Registration is on a first-come, first-served basis. Parents registered in an earlier session receive priority for re-enrollment in subsequent sessions.

Program fees include supplies for craft projects and any written literature.

Parent & Child Registration


Parent & Child classes are for parents or caregivers and their young children, infants through 36 months. Capacity is limited to 10 children with their caregivers.

Classes meet on our beautiful Pine Hill campus on Abbot Hill in Wilton, NH. This winter, classes will be held on Fridays, January 10 through February 28 from 9 – 11 a.m. and taught by experienced Waldorf early childhood educator, Sherry Jennings.

This class includes playtime, circle, snack, and outside time for the children. For the parents there are opportunities for conversations on child development, needs of the young child, and bringing Waldorf values into your parenting.

The fee for this 8-week session is $220 for each registered child; it includes supplies for craft projects and handouts.

Registration Details

Infants who attend with registered siblings do not need to be registered and can attend at no cost.

You are welcome to attend one meeting at no cost to try it out if space is available. Please call Emma Hamlin at (603) 654-2391 ext. 105 in advance to arrange a drop-in.

We are happy to accept registration requests after the start of the program. Fees are prorated accordingly.

After you submit your registration request, a page will be displayed providing the opportunity to pay using PayPal, Venmo, or credit/debit card.


Please contact Emma Hamlin at or (603) 654-2391 ext. 105.

Parent Information

Parent or Caregiver Namerequired
First Name
Last Name

Child Information

Number of ChildrenrequiredSelect the number of children you want to register for Parent & Child.
Select the number of children you want to register for Parent & Child.
Must contain a date in M/D/YYYY format
Must contain a date in M/D/YYYY format
Must contain a date in M/D/YYYY format


0 / 1000

Note: After you click Submit, another page will be displayed where you can pay online using PayPal, Venmo, or credit/debit card.

The Young Child

As the parent of a young child, you no doubt look for a little inspiration from time to time.

Our experienced Parent & Child teachers offer their insights, reflections, and suggestions in "The Young Child."

Read The Young Child Blog

parent and child holding hands


Click the bell icon below to join our Parent & Child email list and receive periodic news — typically, once a month — tailored to inspire and support parents of young children. You will also receive registration information for upcoming sessions as soon as it is available.